Saturday, April 26, 2008

before & after

before: In retrospect, my symptoms were relatively minor, though annoying: 1. dry skin on face around eyes and mouth. 2. generally dry skin, especially hands where sometimes skin on knuckles cracked deep fissures

  • slept barefoot in shorts and t-shirt
  • daily moisturize with lotion and lanolin
  • treated flare-ups with various over-the-counter potions such as coal-tar-extract
  • normal appearance got rare comments about dry skin

after: 1. itching all over body, sometimes wakes me up at night. Scratching ecstasy severe enough to draw blood. 2. A few spots sometimes get so inflamed that it oozes liquid and crusts over in spots: face, backs of hands, belly button, behind knees.

  • sleep with socks, long leggings, long-sleeve shirt
  • daily treatment with ProTopic
  • medicate flare-ups with topical steroids
  • for severe cases, Doctor-prescribed systemic steroids, antibiotics
  • reddish appearance draws frequent comments about sunburn or allergies

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